Frequently your health insurance provider and/or Medicaid will cover you and/or your child’s speech therapy sessions. Please contact your insurance provider for information and approval.
Age in Months: |
Treatment Objectives: |
3 – 6 |
Recognizes own name
Takes turns vocalizing
Produces “raspberries”
6 – 9 |
Moves toward or searches for family members
Vocalizes two-syllable combinations
Imitates duplicated syllables
9 – 12 |
Gives Object in response to verbal request
Says “Mama” or “Dada meaningfully
Imitates non speech sounds
12 – 15 |
My give kiss on request
Imitates new words
(e.g. “Uh-oh”, “No-no”) |
15 – 18 |
Understands 50 words
Answers questions with one word
Asks, “What’s that?
18 – 21 |
Follows all the following commands:
“Sit Down, “Come Here”, or “Give me” with gesture
Uses Processor-possession
Uses agent object
21 – 24 |
Puts away toy on request
Uses own name to refer to self
Uses early pronouns occasionally
24 – 27 |
Understands concept of one
Sings phrases of songs
Uses action words
27 – 30 |
Identifies clothing on self or caregiver
Responds to greetings consistently
Names five pictures
30 – 33 |
Answers yes/no questions correctly
Answers questions with “yes” or “no”
Uses prepositions
33 – 36 |
Follows three step unrelated commands
Asks “what”, “who”, and “where” questions
Recites a few nursery rhymes